Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Preliminary election results

Yesterday we left work early in anticipation of the preliminary election results.  Instead of going straight home we were instructed to stock up on food in case we were on lock-down for days to come.  So, we headed to the GIANT (as the name would suggest, a giant grocery store), and found ourselves in bumper to bumper traffic with every other expat in the city attempting to do the same thing.  Weaving between the red cross, doctors without borders, oxfam, healing hands, etc...we made it to the store and home in one piece.  Needless to say, that our preparation was all for nothing (thankfully) as the election results did not provoke any massive rioting.  Martelly (the former singer) won, and there were reportedly many people celebrating in the streets.  We can only hope that everyone will continue celebrating as he certainly has a major challenge ahead of him, rebuilding this country.  

1 comment:

  1. Emily - how great to be able to see where you're living with your colleagues and to follow you to work. Keep those pics and dispatches coming so we can be with you in spirit. I hope you make some new friends among the members of your group.
    bonne nuit
