Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The end of a mission

It's kind of hard to believe that it's been three months already.  I'm sad to say goodbye, but I feel good about what I was able to achieve in the short time that I was here.  On Friday I went to visit the first young lady that I ever saw for the accessibility team.  You might remember that I posted a picture of her in her house up on the hill, with steps leading down to the car that she clearly couldn't navigate in her wheelchair.  Our work is almost finished, and you will see that she now has a ramp right from her balcony all the way down to the car, not to mention her own private shower in the backyard.   



It's a small drop in the bucket when you consider all the needs in this country, but I am happy to have touched the lives of these people in some small way.   

I will miss the strength and perseverance of the people, the music and the singing, the laughter and the tears, the scorching sun and the crazy rain, the productive and draining work days, and the hellos and goodbyes of all the staff.

But I am very excited to come home, especially with all of this now a part of me.  

See you soon,


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