Sunday, June 5, 2011

Weekend adventures part 2

I've been keeping it a little bit more low key lately, and staying around Port-au-prince on the weekends.  I spent one weekend with a lovely Canadian couple who have lived here for over 30 years (friends of a friend I met here).  They have a very cozy home nestled in the picturesque mountains, an abundance of fresh non-haitian food, and a TV--all very exciting things.

The view from the house--note the meditation bench

Zoomed in

This weekend I stayed home, but our house hosted a party complete with two live bands, for all of the national and expat staff from HI and other organizations.  I think it was quite a success.  Here are a couple of pictures of the band and the dancers...a little blurry, but it gives an idea of the scene.  

Welcome sign--copyright Emilie Forestier, the architect I work with


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