Monday, February 21, 2011

Good news for kids

Well, here's a good new for the kids who have cerebral palsy or related neuromotor delay and their families...
There is very limited services currently offered in terms of education, rehabilitation and adaptive equipment, so I wrote a proposal to initiate services through the Centre de Readaptation Fonctionnelle in Port au Prince and it got approved by Handicap International last week! The next steps involve planning for the implementation phase, which hopefully I will get to see if I'm still here (not sure as things move painfully slowwwwwly here ;), but at least there is some hope for children to receive rehab services & support, which is a big need.
Down the road there is also some plans to develop adaptive seating as none of the wheelchairs available here are suitable for kids with limited postural control...This is a humble start...

1 comment:

  1. That's amazing Isabelle. Congratulations. I'm excited to see all that you've already put into place.
