Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Arrived safe and sound

After a fairly uneventful flight, a drive through the city in bumper to bumper traffic navigating potholes that make ours in Montreal seems pathetic, I arrived at my new "home".  The house is quite huge, and houses about 10 of us.  Complete with gardens, tennis courts, and a pool, it is very comfortable and most of the time we seem to have running water and internet.  I will try to attach some pictures.

Today was spent at the office, learning about the different projects and what my job will be. I'm taking over from Isabelle, and she has been a wonderful support orienting me to the job, and also to life in Haiti.  I haven't actually been out into the field yet, so I will save the details of my job description for the next post (and maybe by then I will have actually figured it all out).


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